Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Joy of the Game

KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.  Advice to live by disguised as an acronym.  And what could be simpler than a couple of guys hitting a ball with a stick?
It seems to follow.  Kids can grab a bat, some gloves and play in a field.  Nothing complicated there.  Catch a game on TV.  Enjoy a day at the park.  The simple pleasures of life.
Baseball can be great in a take me out of the real world old school kind of way.
However, baseball can add layers.  It’s versatile.  Complexity is built into the game if you choose to look for it.  Bunt to move the runners into scoring position?  Shift the defense with the lefty at the plate?  Second guess the skipper’s strategy?  That side of baseball is available on demand.
Also, baseball can also serve as the backbone for bragging rights and winning money.  Beyond the obvious gambling on the game’s outcome, lies fantasy baseball.
Fantasy baseball creates camaraderie with the people in your league and creates a way for you to take ownership of “your team”.  You get to select the players for your team.  Create your draft strategy and watch it play out over the season.  Brag about the gems you found late in your draft.  And unlike the general manager of your favorite Major League Baseball team, unceremoniously drop the underperforming bums off your team when you feel like it.

Guys like these
Joining a fantasy league can deepen your investment in the game.  Why else would you normally care about how Kansas City’s left fielder did at the plate today?
And then you can just dial it right back down again.  Sit on the couch and crack open a beer while cheering on the Tigers.  Take your daughter for a day at the ballpark just like your father did when you were young. 
Keep It Simple Stupid.  That is, until you’re ready to dig a little deeper again.


  1. Love how you describe layers. Your passion for the game clearly comes through your writing.

    1. Thank you. That is the beauty of baseball. It is a simple game yet can offer much more if you look for it.

  2. I loved how you brought up the fantasy sports. I don't play fantasy baseball but some friend's that I, that all went to high school together, still see each other once or twice a year because of Fantasy sports. For us it's not about the money anymore it's about bragging rights. The money is there just to keep everyone interested all season.
